Notes about the exhibition « retrouver la marche, se souvenir des pas » 1999
“ meeting the walk, remenbering the steps”
these pictures were taken during a walk of 38 km on the way from my studio to the Castle of Bosq (Commes - Normandie),
where the exhibition took place.
they were taken according to the following rules:
- during the walk the camera was fastened on a frame carried in a backpack, the lens pointing backwards
- a 50 mm lens was always set in the same way (same aperture and focus)
- the regulation of the speed was automaticaly set by the camera
- the release of the obturator was performed by an electronic device shooting at regular intervals of 9 minutes
- during the exhibition the pictures were displayed on a screen in a loop-mode which was regulated according to
the same device and at the same rythm as they were taken
one screening cycle was 12 hours and 15 minutes long.